Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh noes Pod People!

Ah, podcasting. The name always brings to my mind the image of a person in some space age egg-shaped thing. Subscribing to a podcast is very easy. I subbed to NPR's All Music Considered, Live Concerts and Second Stage using My Yahoo and the Pittsburgh Hear and Now: On Stage, Rated PG, Tuned In and The Steelers Report using XML. And I did it all in less time than it took to listen to my copy of Queensryche's "Rage For Order". Not bad at all. Now the question is will I be able to keep up with all these subscriptions. Time will tell...


  1. Now the real challenge is finding the time to listen to them all! I always have them waiting and then I go back and delete them and start all over - can't seem to find the time to enjoy them!

  2. I am great for signing up, less great with setting aside time to listen. When I am queen of the world, this will change!

  3. Wow, that's a lotta podcasts! Makes me tired just reading the list. ;)

    Seriously, good job. I get overwhelmed by the content and end up not subscribing to anything...
