Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Birdie goes tweet tweet

As I mentioned in the comments section on the Week 8 post, I belong to Facebook and Twitter. With Facebook, I haven't done too much. I think it goes back to my feeling that what I do is not really that interesting. I am having a lot of fun with the Farmville game. It's just like when I garden, but I don't get all sweaty, yay!

My Twitter account is: Promise to play nice if you visit. I turned my icon green in support of Iran and changed my location to Tehran in the vain hope of making it harder for Iran gov't censors to get to Iranian Twitter users. Not sure if it's helping any at all, but at least it's something.

I tend to follow celeb types, but I think I should get brownie points for not following Ashton Kutcher (I'm such a rebel). I seriously rec. Misha Collins' Twitter. He plays an angel on the show "Supernatural", is a published poet, once interned in the White House (the Clinton years--before Monica), snuck into Tibet to live with the monks, is an accomplished carpenter and built his own house, does yoga and is insanely bendy, and about ten million other things. No, I'm not b.s.-ing here. Anyway, he's been using his account for posting completely insane stories. Check it out, and make sure you go all the way to the beginning: Seriously, dude brings the lulz big time.


  1. Wow, that Misha Collins is something else...thanks for a great entry!

  2. I worship Misha as a god. A demented god.
